A new study
suggests that sex addiction may work a lot like drug addiction in the
brain. There’s been a long debate about whether compulsive sexual
behavior – including frequent thoughts about sex, having sex, or
watching pornography – really falls into the family of addictions. It
was recently rejected for inclusion in the DSM-V, so right now it’s not
technically a disorder. But the authors of the new study report that the
same areas of the brain involved in drug addiction are activated when
“sex addicts” watch sexually explicit films. So maybe it’s not so
separate from addiction after all.
“There are clear differences in brain activity between patients who
have compulsive sexual behaviour and healthy volunteers. These
differences mirror those of drug addicts,” said study author Valerie
Voon of the University of Cambridge, where the study was conducted.
BRAIN (Photo credit: geezaweezer)
She and her team looked at 19 men who had compulsive
sexual behavior (CSB), including excessive use of online pornography,
and compared their brain activity to men without the behavior.