Aviation School

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Buried Potentials

Procrastination is common among youth., it has to do with shifting things you ought to do to a later date either because you feel tired, lazy or thing its less important to do at that point. Procrastination can stop you from achieving things which you are capable and hinder growth in your personal and career development. You put your brain at red light when you procrastinate because rather than think of how to get to your destination, you will be busy thinking of when to start the journey. Its effects includes stress, guilt, resentment, missed opportunities and many more
. Procrastination can also be seen as a grave where potentials are buried. Potentials on the other hand are latent excellence or natural abilities that could develop to make you very good at something.

As a young person;

* What are those good things you can do that you left undone?

* What are those good things you derive joy doing but do not do them?

* What are those things you do well at ease?

These and more are the questions that has been left unanswered by most youth which when answered will help you build yourself for the best.

To overcome procrastination as a christian youth, you need to bank on God's strength and direction, do not be discouraged by your present position or qualification as that will make you lazy and also instill fear in you. Move out of your comfort zone, take that bold step and get started today; tomorrow has its own challenges so don't always wait for the right mood to start as it may never come.

Moreover, you need to reduce the amount of stress in your life when possible such that you can spend more time working because you want to, not because you have to. no wonder Benjamin Franklin advices that the optimal strategy for high productivity is to split your days into one third work, one third play and one third rest. I believe the suggestion is to guarantee your leisure time; hold your work time and play time equally important, so one does not encroach on the other. You also have to be disciplined as a christian. I advice that parents should not always be tolerant of their children's excuses to duties so they don't grow up to be procastinators as this can lead to heavy regret later on. .

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