Aviation School

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Devotion - Are You Compromising?

Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. Song of Solomon 2:15 (KJV)

Knowing who you really are puts you in a position to make good choices. The Kingdom of God has all the information you need to have a fulfilling life.
The Holy Scriptures have all the information that the children of God need to make greater impact in their world. Jesus Christ is the true vine and we, the true Christians, are the braches, John 15:5. As braches we need to be alert to identify the little foxes that can hinder our growth and fruit bearing. The little foxes could be a particular sin that keeps pulling us backward; it could be a habit that dents our focus on our vision; it could also be a family trait that is fighting your progress. Dear beloved, watch and pray, and cooperate with the Holy Spirit and you will be able to identify them; He will also give you the grace and direction to deal with them so that you can continue bearing good and abundant fruits for Christ Jesus. Hallelujah! You Are An Overcomer!

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