Aviation School

Monday, March 11, 2019

The Power Of "I AM SORRY"

23 Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you,24 leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.
Matt 5:23-24 (NKJV) 

"I am sorry," a short but mighty sentence!

If you wish to live long, don't joke with this short sentence, "I am sorry." Do you know how many people who had gone to early grave because they neglected the therapeutic power of "I am sorry."

Just saying 'sorry' can stop a war, an d prevent millions of men, women including children from dying!

Most of the troubles in most homes are heightened because wives are too big to say "I am sorry" to their husbands and you can trust the ego of  husbands in saying same to their wives. 

Quarrel lingers between friends because no party wants to say "I am sorry." Each says or asks, why should I be the first to say "I am sorry?" He or she would beat his or her chest and utter the ego phrase, "a whole me!"

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the part of the world where saying "I am sorry" is a hard nut to crack while curses are easily unleashed. 

Welcome to the part of the world where people refer to a person who says "I am sorry" in a midst of a rift as a weaker sex: one who is not man enough; one who is foolish. 

Welcome to Africa where saying "I am sorry" is tougher than forcing a donkey to pass  through a needle hole.  

All of us are victims of this discussion. We have lost valuable assets, money and even lives because of this cheap and affordable sentence "I am sorry." It simply cost only a breath of speech. 

Have you ever wondered why domestic violence is less pronounced in the western world? It is simply because they understand the efficacy of "I am sorry."

Husbands say it to their wives and even children whenever they err, wives and children do the same  and life goes on fine.

Friends, this is simply a piece to encourage us to cultivate  a habit of saying "I am sorry." It is difficult but readily affordable. 

Learn how to say "I AM SORRY" even if you are right.

If this message offends you in one way or the other, "I am sorry". 

God bless you


  1. Thanks So Very Much For Sharing On This So Very Important & Essential Theme, So Strongly Emphasized By Our Very, ETERNAL-LORD & SAVIOUR-HIMSELF, JESUS-CHRIST, Both Directly & Indirectly (via, HIS Apostles' Teaching)! May The Whole World, North, South, East, West & Everywhere Between, Benefit Greatly; By Taking It Completely To Heart!!! Shouldn't We All Be Chorousing... HALLELUJAH?!!! :-)

    1. All thanks to God for giving us inspiration. May His name be praised.


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