Aviation School

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Submitting To Authority

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Rom13:1 NIKJV

Authority is the power or right to give orders or make decisions. So when you say a person has authority or have been given authority, it simply means such person has the power or right to take decisions or give orders to his or her surbordinates. 

The Bible makes us to understand that every authority given to man has been ordained by God. If not so, that authority will not exist. In John 19, when Pilate asked Jesus Christ where He is from and He refused to answer, Pilate said to Him "Do you know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you?" John 19:10. But Jesus answered him in verse 11 saying "You will have no authority over me at all if it was not given you from above" (John 19:10-11 NIV). It is only God that has the power to give and take authority. Forget about your votes, it won't count if God has not ordained it, in other words if God does not want you in that seat, you won't be there. Also, He that place you on that seat also have the power to remove you (Dan 2:21).

Now that you know that every one in authority was ordained by God, you have to obey them because if you choose to disobey them, you will be disobeying God and the Bible says whosoever does that brings judgment to himself (Rom 13:2).

Authorities are sent by God to help you so if your mind is pure, you will not be afraid neither will you have issues with them but if otherwise, you have to pray for forgiveness and change your ways because one key reason God gave authority is to punish those who are evil and praise those who are good. (1Peter 2:14, Rom 13:4).

Now to those in authority, God also warned you to be careful of what you do. Remember He was the one who gave you the power and He can still take it from you. You need to judge right because there is no injustice before God neither is their partiality or bribery (2Cor 19:6). The Bible says in Prov 17:24 "A wicked man accepts a bribe behind the back To pervert the ways of justice." We see these things everyday in this present world. You will see a rich man saying to a poor man "you will rot in jail" because he feels he has all the money to bribe those in authority. The Bible calls those who takes bribe to pervert justice 'WICKED' and remember the wicked shall never go unpunished. Matt 21:41 "..... He will destroy those wicked men miserably....". 


You must obey authority for two main reasons. To avoid being punished by God for disobeying Him, and to have a clear conscience. (Rom 13:5, Eccl 8:2, Jer 29:7). When your conscience is clear, you will have peace of mind.


Remember, nothing good comes from the devil. He is evil and for this reason, Jesus Christ Himself has given us authority over him as believers (Luke 10:19). He gave us the authority to punish and destroy him and his co-hosts. As a children of God, we don't need to be afraid. Take advantage of this authority our Lord Jesus Christ has given us and with the help of the Holy Spirit and cast out devils in the Name of Jesus Christ and he will flee (Mark 16:17).

Read (Matt 10:8. Titus 2:11) . In Psalm 110:1, The Lord said "He will make our enemies our footstool". That is Authority. 

NB: Authority applies to every institution. Be it Government, Church, School, Home and anywhere there is leadership. Also note that there are authorities that are demonic and devilish such as those in the ocultic world, marine kingdom, witches/wizards covens, e.t.c but remember that our Father in Heaven is also the Head of all principalities and powers (Col 2:10, Eph 1:21, 1Pt 3:22) and He has given us authority/dominion over them (Luke 10:19, Mark 16:17, Col 1:12-13) that at the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee must bow and ever tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord (Phil 2:10-11)


Oh Lord my Father, let me receive Your grace that brings salvation in the name of Jesus.


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